Description of the building
The construction of the Northern bypass of Jílové near Prague has improved the lives of local residents. The main construction objects of the project were the construction of the roundabout Pražská with its connection to the existing street Na Slunci, the relocation of the road II/105 and the roundabout V Lázních with its connection to the existing road II/104 (V Lázních street). Furthermore, a local road connecting the Northern bypass of Jílové with Na Slunci street was built. Sidewalks, municipal and farm driveways were also constructed as part of the project. At the same time, a sewer system including retention tanks was built. Relocations of engineering networks were also carried out during the construction. Noise barriers were also constructed as part of the Northern bypass construction. Additionally, new public lighting was installed. The total length of the newly constructed bypass is 1.7 km